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Priestesses of the shtetl - new article in Feminism and Religion

Updated: Jun 25

I'm very excited to have this article published in the online blog/journal Feminism and Religion, where I talk about this work and about non-patriarchal Jewish spiritual leadership traditions. Give it a read here At the bottom of the article, I link to two upcoming courses, which I'll share again here. Threading Stones: an Elul Tradition’ with Sarah Chandler and Eleonore Weill at Ritualwell; and ‘How to talk to the dead in Yiddish’ – a course for intermediate to advanced Yiddish speakers with the Workers Circle.

You can also now follow this work on instagram @bobe_mayses , where I share short extracts of the sources published on this site, as well as info about upcoming courses, talks and workshops

While I am dedicated to keeping these resources available to everyone for free, I am also fundraising to try to improve this site and make it the best possible resource on Ashkenazi women's traditions and other marginalized practices. My goal is to be able to pay other contributors, particularly others working with Yiddish texts, to submit translations and articles. If you would like to support this project, you can donate by paypal @vayberishezababones

You can also now make a tax free donation via the Shamir Collective, an organisation I work with closely, using the links below. All funds donated via these links will go towards supporting this website.

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I created and manage this website entirely on my own time, alongside my PhD research and the several part time jobs that come along with that. If you'd like to support this project, you can paypal @vayberishezababones or click the donate button 

Unless otherwise specified, all translations on this website are my own

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